Boulder Valley School District

Land Acknowledgement

Mountains and Flatirons from Superior

En Español

Boulder Valley School District resides and operates on land that is the ancestral homeland, and unjustly & illegally taken territory of the Ute, Puebloan, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Apache, Navajo, and 48 other tribal nations historically tied to this land, who have called this land home since time immemorial.  We acknowledge the atrocities committed here, including the painful history of genocide, forced assimilation, and efforts to alienate the Indigenous inhabitants from their homeland, supported by the policies of the United States government. 

BVSD is aware of the many Indigenous peoples, past and present, and their dignified nations and cultures who care for the land with strength and resilience.  BVSD recognizes the histories of the land in Colorado and the survival of the many nations that carry their oral traditions into the present.  

It is BVSD’s responsibility to educate ourselves, our communities, and our students so that we can embrace the wisdom and knowledge of Indigenous peoples and actively stand together to address injustices.  In offering this land acknowledgement, we affirm and honor the history, wisdom, oral traditions, and resilience of Indigenous people and recognize the responsibility to care for and appreciate this land together. 



Reconocimiento de la tierra

El Distrito Escolar del Valle de Boulder reside y opera en tierras que son tierras ancestrales natales, e injusta e ilegalmente arrebatadas del territorio de los pueblos Ute, Puebloan, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Apache, Navajo y otras 48 naciones tribales históricamente asociadas a estas tierras, y que han llamado a estas tierras como su hogar desde tiempos inmemoriales. 

Reconocemos las atrocidades realizadas aquí, incluyendo la dolorosa historia de genocidio, la asimilación forzada y los esfuerzos para alienar a los habitantes indígenas de sus tierras, con el apoyo de la políticas del gobierno de los Estados Unidos. 

El BVSD es consciente de los muchos pueblos indígenas, en el pasado y en el presente, y sus naciones y culturas dignas que cuidan la tierra con fuerza y resistencia. El BVSD reconoce las historias de la tierra en Colorado y la supervivencia de las muchas naciones que han llevado sus tradiciones orales hasta el presente.  

Es la responsabilidad del BVSD de educarnos, a nuestras comunidades y a nuestros estudiantes para que podamos celebrar y respetar la sabiduría y el conocimiento de los pueblos indígenas y unirnos activamente para abordar las injusticias. Al ofrecer este reconocimiento de la tierra, afirmamos y honramos la historia, la sabiduría y las tradiciones orales y resiliencia de los pueblos indígenas y reconocer la responsabilidad de cuidar y apreciar esta tierra juntos.



How it was created

Guiding Principals

  • Center the voices of Indigenous people in the development of a statement

  • Develop a statement with the intent to honor Indigenous peoples and to inspire action to support Indigenous communities 

  • Speak truthfully about past atrocities and current injustices

  • Acknowledge and honor the experience, wisdom, and resilience of Indigenous peoples  

  • Commit to standing with Indigenous peoples to confront current injustices

  • Incorporate the importance of the land to the Indigenous community and the responsibility to care for and appreciate the land on which BVSD resides


BVSD Assistant Superintendent, Strategic Partnerships and Academic Supports Sam Messier presents the Land Acknowledgement to the Board of Education on September 27, 2022.


April 26, 2022
The BVSD Board of Education revised Policy BEDB: Agenda to include a land acknowledgement.

May 2022
Land Acknowledgement Task Force was assembled

June-August 2022
Task Force developed draft statement

September 2022
Land Acknowledgement Statement presented to the Board and accepted

Land Acknowledgement Process.