Vision, Mission, Values and Goals
In its regular meeting on June 25, 2013, the Boulder Valley Board of Education approved the following:
Vision of the Boulder Valley School District
We develop our children’s greatest abilities and make possible the discovery and pursuit of their dreams which, when fulfilled, will benefit us all. We provide a comprehensive and innovative approach to education and graduate successful, curious, lifelong learners who confidently confront the great challenges of their time.
The mission of the Boulder Valley School District is to create challenging, meaningful and engaging learning opportunities so that all children thrive and are prepared for successful, civically engaged lives.
- We respect the inherent value of each student and incorporate the strengths and diversity of students, families, staff and communities.
- Societal inequities and unique learning needs will not be barriers to student success.
- We address the intellectual growth, health and physical development, and social emotional well-being of students.
- We value accountability and transparency at all levels.
GOAL #1 – Boulder Valley School District will partner with students, families, staff, and community members to address the unique learning needs of each student and to create meaningful and engaging opportunities for each child.
GOAL # 2 - Boulder Valley School District will ensure that each student meets or exceeds appropriate expectations relative to intellectual growth, physical development and social emotional well-being.
GOAL #3 - Boulder Valley School District will ensure that students, families, staff, and community members experience a safe, healthy and inclusive environment
The following strategies will be used to attain these goals:
- Boulder Valley School District will assess the success of each child as well as the overall effectiveness of the school system using multiple measures.
- Boulder Valley School District will partner with parents and the larger community to help all students enter school ready to learn and continue to learn throughout their educational experience.
- Boulder Valley School District will attract, hire and retain outstanding professionals at all levels of the organization.
- Boulder Valley School District will provide high quality professional development.
- Boulder Valley School District will increase community involvement, corporate partnerships, volunteer involvement, and legislative advocacy.