Boulder Valley School District

Halloween & Holiday Reminder: Healthy Celebrations Guidelines

Halloween & Holiday Reminder: Healthy Celebrations Guidelines
Randy Barber

With Halloween and the winter holidays coming up, the Wellness Committee would like to remind you about BVSD's healthy celebrations guidelines.

Food distributed or sold to students must comply with federal Smart Snack guidelines. Those guidelines limit the amount of calories, sugar, sodium and fat contained in foods and beverages given or sold to students during the school day. Details about the specific requirements can be found here. The BVSD Catering team is also happy to help with Smart Snack-compliant party platters.

Per the BVSD Wellness Policy ADF-R, each school building is allowed to host up to three (3) fundraisers or other special events involving the sale or distribution of food to students that are exempt from the Smart Snack guidelines per school year. These events may be held during the school day, but may not compete with school breakfast or lunch (NSBLP) and may not be hosted from 30 minutes before to 30 minutes after each scheduled meal service. To request an exemption, please complete the form on the Food Services website.

While the district policy is explicitly intended to promote student health, please keep in mind that traditional celebrations can also create equity issues in our classrooms. Thank you for your help adhering to this policy, and for considering the health and well-being of our students above all else.

If you have any questions about the policy or healthy celebration recommendations, please contact Food Services Director Ann Cooper at or 720-561-6131.


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