Boulder Valley School District

Bus Driver Heroes

bus driver
Carolyn Nohe

Bus Drivers are the first person that a lot of kids see every day when they get on the bus to go to school and many may not realize the positive impact that a bus driver can have on a student.

With the school year starting in Phase 1: home learning, kids didn’t need to ride on buses, but districts still needed to retain bus drivers in order to be able to implement in-person learning quickly when things changed.

“We brought the team together to figure out how can we make sure everybody stays employed, while still meeting the needs of the district,” says Assistant Superintendent of Operations Rob Price.  

There was no shortage of important tasks to be done by our bus drivers, from painting, to fixing sheds, and custodial work at our buildings to prepare them for the return of students.

Bus drivers were happy to continue to be employed by BVSD and pitch in and help where needed. Said Bus driver Angela Bunish, “ I just want to say thank you for keeping us busy and having the security of a job; it makes me feel valued and important.”

With students returning to in-person, having kept our bus drivers employed, the district is able to pivot quickly back to providing transportation for our students. We are grateful for all our bus drivers have done to get our schools ready for our students to return.

“I am so grateful to be back with the kids on the bus,” says bus driver, David Lucas.


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