Boulder Valley School District

Updates on Coronavirus- February 28

Updates on Coronavirus- February 28
Carolyn Nohe

As we shared earlier this week, Boulder Valley School District has been working closely with our local public health agencies as we monitor the global outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Our highest priority is the safety of our students and staff.

To date, there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Colorado. 

It is important to know that during an outbreak we would follow the health department’s lead on any quarantines, closures, or other health measures needed. Our focus has been on how to ensure the safety of students and staff, and how education can continue, including through online options.

What is BVSD doing?

  • BVSD has a pandemic plan, which has been developed in cooperation with our local health departments. We have also been working across the district to review and evaluate the protocols we have in place and adjust as needed.

  • You can continue to find updated information about what the district is doing on our website:

  • Our staff is also increasing the frequency of cleaning high touch surfaces across our buildings and busses and having staff remind students regularly about handwashing and the prevention of spreading germs. We will also be hanging CDC posters around our buildings to serve as a reminder to our staff and students.

International Travel

We have gotten a number of questions regarding students or families that have recently traveled internationally or plan to travel internationally soon. 

  • As for privately scheduled international trips (staff and students/families), be aware that you may be asked or required by the CDC to quarantine upon return or not be allowed to return from the country you have visited.  At this time, State and local officials are not recommending quarantine or exclusion of individuals returning from countries other than China. We will continue to follow those official guidelines in regards to students returning from other impacted countries.  

  • As of now district sponsored international trips are still scheduled to take place. We are watching the situation and monitoring. The district reserves the right to cancel these trips, and families have the option to not allow their students to participate. The district has travel insurance for these sponsored trips.

What families and individuals can do to prevent the spread and prepare for outbreak

Our partners at Boulder and Broomfield Counties have provided this list of helpful tips:

Getting ready for widespread disease is largely about preparing for possible shortages. Here are some things you can do:

  • Try to get an extra months’ worth of prescription medications, if possible, in case there are supply chain disruptions. 

  • Slowly start to stock up on enough non-perishable food to last your household through two weeks of staying at home if there is a wave of transmission in the community.  

  • Think about how you will continue to work if your child’s school is closed.

  • Understand that large gatherings you plan to attend may be cancelled.

  • Think through how you will take care of sick family members while trying not to get infected. 

  • Make plans for childcare if you become sick, or when your child is sick.

  • Start practicing not touching your face now. This can greatly reduce the frequency of potential spread. (You can even try a buddy system, where you and a friend remind each other when someone scratches their eyelid or rubs their nose.) 

  • Replace handshakes with elbow-bumps.

  • Start building healthy habits like pushing elevator buttons with a knuckle instead of a fingertip. 

  • Avoid sharing water bottles, drinks, etc.

  • Increase regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces (e.g. cellphones, doorknobs, faucet handles, toilet handles etc.).

Feeling Sick? Stay Home!

Whether staff or student, we ask that you don’t come to school or work sick. We encourage anyone who is feeling ill to stay home, especially if they are experiencing the symptoms listed in our Too Sick For School? guidelines. 

For monitoring purposes, we kindly ask that when you call your child in sick, please provide the reason. When calling, a fever with cough and/or sore throat should be reported as: ‘Not asthma, but is respiratory related’ in the automated absence form or as Respiratory illness.



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