Culturally Responsive Discipline
Addressing inequities within our district is one of the cornerstones of All Together for All Students, BVSD’s strategic plan. All parts of the plan, and in particular, the equity piece were developed from hours of conversations with staff and families and a deep dive into all of our student data. Those investigations showed that inequities exist not only in BVSD’s persistent achievement gap but also in how student behavior is addressed.
BVSD staff have dug in to figure out how to address this issue and determine what needs to be done to reduce disparities in how students are disciplined. BVSD is responding in a number of ways:
Addressing Disproportionate Discipline and Building a Culture of Safety, Respect, and Mental Health
- Revising Discipline Practices
- Restorative Practices
- Equity Counsel/Title IX Coordinator
- School Safety Advocates
- Bullying Prevention
- Mental Health Supports
- Resilience Training (RISE)
- Rethinking Law Enforcement in our Schools
Revising Discipline Practices
Restorative Practices
Equity Counsel/Title IX Coordinator
School Safety Advocates
Bullying Prevention
Mental Health Supports
Resilience Training (RISE)
Rethinking Law Enforcement in our Schools
Learn more about BVSD's equity work related to implementing Resolution 20-33 in staff updates to the Board: