Boulder Valley School District

GRAD + Graduation Medals with Pins

BVSD students who have completed one or more of the GRAD+ Quadrants: College Credits, Industry Certification, Seal of Biliteracy, and/or Work-Based Learning will earn a GRAD+ Medal with a pin or pins that represent each quadrant/s that they have completed. The pin/s will be added to the ribbon portion of the medal to distinguish which GRAD+ Quadrants the students have achieved and will be worn during graduation ceremonies.  

BVSD will use the requirements listed below to identify students who are eligible, and the medals and pins will be distributed to students during senior check. 

Quadrant Criteria for GRAD+ Medals and Pins

Work Based Learning

Work-Based Learning

Complete a WBL course with credit

*Check with your counselor to see what courses are offered at your school.


Complete a verified WBL experience through a CTE program/SWAP program/Transitions program


Complete the WBL tracker and portfolio

Seal of Biliteracy Icon

Seal of Biliteracy 

English:  SAT 470, ACT 18, AP 3, IB 4 or 3.0 in 40 ELA credits


Other Language: STAMP 6 (Intermediate High), AP 3, IB 4 or 3.0 in level 5 of a language


College Credit Icon

College Credit 

Earn AP grade of C or better or test score of 3 or higher


Earn IB grade of C or better or test score of 4 or higher


Earn a C or higher in a 3 credit college course


Earn a CLEP test score that is college transcribable

Questions? / Website
Industry Certification Icon

Industry Certification

Earn a certification recognized by industry and CDE as “having a high value in hiring and aligning to living wage jobs.”  (some examples include: CDIP list, state license)
