Boulder Valley School District

Contact Us

Stephanie Sanders


Grants and Federal Programs

children in classroom

The BVSD Grants Office is a small department responsible for planning, writing and monitoring the district’s grants, which provide supplemental support to schools and district programs for programs ranging from advanced placement to after-school activities. This includes federal, state and local government grants, as well as funding from private-sector foundations and corporations.  Grant funding provides only a small percentage of the total budget for K-12 education – the majority is provided by state taxes, and by local mill levies and bond initiatives. 

Grants to BVSD support all areas of K-12 education: academics, intervention, student support services, enrichment activities, teacher training and support, and some operational functions, such as transportation, Food Service, school safety and capital improvements. In addition to writing grants, Grants Office staff also provides guidance to other BVSD staff and volunteers who are writing grants.  This department promotes partnerships with other institutions that can provide direct or indirect support to BVSD; and manages the district’s accountability process for grants and compliance with federal laws and regulations concerning grants.  The Grants Office does not make grants: if you are looking for information about classroom grants, at-risk grants, Opportunity Fund, science-technology-math grants, or Impact Awards, please visit Impact on Education.​​​​

Writing A Grant? 

BVSD has policies and procedures that should be followed, and resources for grant writers.  Click here if you have a staff login, or email

Information For Parents, Public, and Local Private Schools About BVSD's Federal COVID Relief Funding
