Boulder Valley School District

Federal Programs

Boulder Valley School District receives certain annual federal grants under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).  

Funding under these grants is based upon student headcounts and census information rather than a competitive process (i.e. they are formula grants).  All programs supported by these grants must be supplemental to our core educational program, which is already funded by state and local taxes.

ESSA Grants

Title I
Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged

Title I is designed to serve schools that enroll high percentages of low-income students.  More than 80% of BVSD's Title I grant goes to such schools, where it is primarily used for intensified, extended or specialized instruction that enables struggling or at-risk students to catch up and keep up.  BVSD's Title I schools are currently:

  • Alicia Sanchez Elementary
  • Columbine Elementary School
  • Emerald Elementary School,
  • Escuela Bilingüe Pioneer
  • Justice High School
  • University Hill Elementary School.

BVSD also uses Title I to support parent engagement and services to homeless students

Title II
Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals

Title II aims to help districts hire, retain, train, and advance teachers and school principals with the skills needed to obtain the best outcomes for their students.  BVSD currently uses Title II funding to provide mentoring for new teachers and principals, and professional development on instructional practices and use of data to guide teaching in all schools and at all levels. 

Title III
Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students

Title III helps districts to expand and improve their ESL and bilingual language instruction.  In the 2018-19 school year, BVSD is using this funding to develop stronger bilingual pathways from kindergarten through 12th grade, and to provide professional development for ESL teachers and school principals.

Title IV
21st Century Schools

Title IV is a small grant with three mandatory focal areas: well-rounded education; safe and healthy schools; and improved, innovative or expanded use of technology in the classroom. This year, BVSD plans to use this grant to support expansion of after-school and summer programming, develop additional behavioral supports for students, and pilot tutoring software. 

Title VI
Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native Education

This grant provides supplemental tutoring, leadership activities and cultural enrichment for American Indian students.

American Indian Education

Part C
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance

The McKinney-Vento Act requires all American school districts to identify students that are homeless and provide them with supports that allow them to stay in school, succeed academically, and participate in an equitable manner.  BVSD funds a full-time homeless advocate who works with students, families and community agencies to provide services.  This is not currently a separate grant, but a program supported by Title I.

McKinney-Vento Resources


Parent and Stakeholder Involvement

Boulder Valley School District welcomes questions, information, advice, and opinions from parents, students, teachers, administrators, staff, partner agencies, and community members regarding the planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs supported by ESSA grants.  There are multiple avenues for a person to do this:

1) Use this Federal Programs Survey to contact the Office of Federal Programs for any reason. This forum is open year-round.  All submissions will receive a response within one week. 

To convey comments, feedback or advice, you can also:

2) Contact a member of the District Accountability Committee or a School Accountability Committee.  You can also contact your school principal.

3) Attend a BVSD Budget Forum.

4) Attend the annual ESSA Public Consultation. This is for all stakeholders, specifically for input on ESSA Federal Programs prior to the development of the district's application for the next year's ESSA grant funding, and other grants that occur in the coming year.  This meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, May 17th, 2023, at 3 PM, this year.  To participate, you must register by sending an email to with “ESSA Consultation” in the subject line.  A link to the Consultation Google Meet, and informational materials, will be sent to your email in the week prior to the consultation date. 


Other Federal Funding

BVSD may also receive federal funding under competitive grants funded by ESSA, such as 21stCentury Learning Centers, and Empowering Action for School Improvement (EASI).  BVSD also regularly receives federal funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA Parts B and C), and the Carl Perkins Vocational Education Act (Workforce Innovation and Training Act).