Community Schools
Community Schools is a department within the District’s Business Services unit. Our mission is to provide high-quality educational, enrichment, and licensed child care programs to our students and families while also serving as good stewards of our District’s assets. Our programs operate in almost every Boulder Valley school. We have partnerships with organizations and municipalities in every community in our District. Community Schools help fund programs and resources at the school and district levels that benefit the students of Boulder Valley School District.
There are currently six programs operating within Community Schools:
- School Age Care (SAC) provides licensed child care for students at our elementary and K-8 schools.
- Lifelong Learning offers a variety of enrichment courses for students and adults.
- Community Use provides groups, organizations, and businesses access to our facilities through a variety of rental options. Community Use also coordinates intergovernmental agreements that benefit community members and student athletes across the Boulder Valley region.
- Community Connections offers a digital space for tutors, counselors, artists, organizations, and businesses to advertise their services to our families.
- BVSD Online offers credit-bearing courses in a flexible and fully digital learning environment for students looking to take additional courses beyond their typical full-time course load.
- BVSD Print Shop provides high-quality printed products from business cards to copies and posters to newsletters for our schools, departments and community members.
Click on the logos below to learn more about our programs.