Boulder Valley School District

Health Team

The Boulder Valley School District has a team of health professionals who are dedicated to ensuring that our students' health needs are met during the school day.

​Role of the School Nurse

School Nurses are Registered Nurses with a Colorado Department of Education, Special Service Provider License.  The goal of the School Nurse is to work closely with parents, health care providers, school staff and others to coordinate the health care of students and to provide health services as needed.  This is accomplished through training and delegating to unlicensed personnel working with students identified as having medical needs.
School Nurse Directory 

School Nurses are also an integral part of the Special Education Team and are responsible for the portion of the Individual Education Plan (IEP) that pertains to the students' health.  The School Nurse attends school team meetings and IEP meetings of students with complex health issues to insure the implementation of necessary accommodations for students. This includes the responsibility for students needing individualized health care plans (IHPs) and 504 plans written in accordance with Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act for a medical reason.   School Nurses also provide Emergency Response training, CPR/First Aid/AED certification, health education and support the behavioral and mental health of students. 

Role of the Health Room Staff

All schools have a person(s) who carry out the health room duties during the school day.  Health Room staff are not licensed medical professionals but are trained and overseen by the School Nurse.  School Nurses provide health-related training and delegation of nursing duties to health room staff to assist in the care of students with chronic and urgent health needs., 

​Resource Nurses

BVSD employees several specialized resource nurses who can assist with student health needs such as Medicaid and other health needs outside of school.