Digital Tools and Learning Resources
Below you will find the different computer tools that are approved for BVSD use. These tools must meet legal requirements. There are three main laws that regulate the use of technology in Colorado schools. These laws are mostly focused on personal identifying information (PII) of students and filtering internet access to protect students from inappropriate websites. Choose the link to the law below for a summary of its provisions.
Signed Data Privacy Addendums
A DPA (Data Privacy Addendum) is an agreement negotiated between BVSD and a School Service Contract provider that is required by Colorado State law anytime there is an exchange of student Personally Identifiable Information ("PII").
Approved Digital Tools & Resources
Approved digital tools and resources are all applications, software extensions, add-ons and digital tools that have been vetted within BVSD through an established set of criteria that must be met prior to being utilized within the district.