Boulder Valley School District

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Rob Price

Assistant Superintendent of Operational Services
Assistant Superintendent of Operational Services

Operational Services

exterior view of a school

The Operational Services Department oversees the maintenance and operations of the 4.8 million square feet of Boulder Valley School District facilities as well as the safety and security of staff and students and daily transportation. 

kids on bikes

This year, the Boulder Valley School District’s Safe Routes to School team successfully revived the long-dormant bicycle education program, paused since the pandemic. Bringing a fleet of bicycles to Sanchez Elementary, Heatherwood Elementary, Mesa Elementary, and Louisville Middle school, the team worked with over 600 students from 4th to 7th grade during their P.E. classes to provide hands-on bicycle safety and skills training.

Read More about Bicycle Education Program Revived by Safe Routes to School Team
Seal of climate literacy student

Since early this school year, BVSD educators, Sustainability staff, and students have been working to launch the district’s new Seal of Climate Literacy diploma endorsement. These efforts are being supported in part by a $7,500 competitive grant from Lyra, a Colorado education nonprofit

Read More about First BVSD student earns Seal of Climate Literacy, program made possible thanks to grant funding
People on roof with clip boards near an HVAC unit

BVSD is thrilled to be selected to participate in the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) 2024-2025 Energy Champions Leading the Advancement of Sustainable Schools (Energy CLASS) program. BVSD joins 60 other local educational agencies (LEAs) in this initiative which aims to equip selected agencies with the training and support necessary to develop and implement strategies that enhance energy efficiency, foster healthier learning environments, and optimize costs within their school districts.

Read More about BVSD named to Department of Energy’s 2024-25 sustainable schools program
Seal of climate literacy

BVSD is thrilled to offer a new diploma endorsement to sustainability-minded BVSD students beginning this year. The Seal of Climate Literacy is a new high school diploma endorsement that connects educational knowledge with the real challenges and opportunities that climate change brings to each of our communities. It offers students a chance to engage directly with issues that impact their local environment and communities through coursework and hands-on learning. 

Read More about BVSD graduates can earn new Seal of Climate Literacy, demonstrating climate and sustainability knowledge
Boulder TEC students in kitchen

A little more than a quarter of the $42 Million invested in school construction projects this summer, was invested in new construction and renovations aimed at expanding and enhancing learning spaces where students can experience hands-on learning and develop knowledge and skills directly related to potential future careers.

Read More about Bond improvements expand opportunities for students to prepare for college and careers
Safety training

The threat of large-scale natural disasters, which have grown more frequent and more intense with climate change, is ever present and unfortunately too familiar to our BVSD community.

Read More about With strong planning, practice, and collaboration among public safety partners, BVSD is ready to respond to natural disasters and human-caused emergencies
Staff on playground

Ask nearly any elementary student what their favorite part of the school day is and you are likely to hear a resounding, “RECESS!” This welcome break in the school day brings a chance to get outside, play, socialize, and recharge. However, for students with physical, emotional or cognitive disabilities, play equipment options can be limited and hard to get to.

Read More about Bond investments aim to transform recess for students with disabilities
Elementary Kids with Reusable Utensils

Recently, the Eisenhower Elementary School Eco Eagles Green Team was asked to speak at the Board of Education meeting, as part of the Student Moment, an opportunity to recognize student leadership in the Boulder Valley School District. 

Representatives from the group shared the outstanding progress they’ve made in implementing sustainability practices and their efforts can serve as an exemplar for other students throughout the district.

Read More about 10 things kids can do to make their school more sustainable
High school students planting trees

Recently, students from Fairview High, Monarch High, and Peak to Peak K-12 along with community partners hosted a Tree Summit at Fairview High School where they shared presentations about their experiences working to create green schoolyards on their campuses. They offered insights about fundraising and more for the audience of fellow students about how to green their own schoolyards.

Read More about Boulder Valley high school students talk trees and take action
Two students aim a digital thermometer at a wall

In an exciting new collaboration, University of Colorado Boulder (CU) graduate students will be working with District staff, environmental partners (state, local, private & non-profit), and community members, to develop a roadmap to decarbonization for District buildings in pursuit of our goals of an 80% reduction in emissions and carbon neutrality by 2050.

Read More about BVSD Sustainability team partners with CU graduate students to develop a decarbonization plan
Child and adult with bike

BVSD continues to make progress on the goals established in the Sustainability Action Plan. Staff provided an annual update to the Board recently in honor of Earth month. The district is in year three of a five-year effort towards its latest set of sustainability goals. BVSD has had a formal sustainability program with established goals since 2009.  

Read More about Sustainability in Action
Centaurus CTE mockup

As part of BVSD’s efforts to expand Career and Technical Education offerings and support student success, the Bond-funded Building for Student Success building renovation program passed by voters in 2022 will expand and update Accelerate centers at middle and high schools throughout the district and the central career acceleration center at the Arapahoe Campus in Boulder.

Read More about Bond investment leads to cutting-edge career acceleration at BVSD

This past fall, BVSD’s Office of Sustainability introduced the Sustainability Snapshot, a new tool for tracking and viewing data related to the district’s sustainability efforts. The digital dashboard shows what sustainability efforts are happening at schools across the district, along with the utility use for each school, and how each school compares to other BVSD schools. 

Read More about New digital tool provides a snapshot of BVSD’s sustainability efforts to spur action and learning
Green Resolution

The Boulder Valley School District has long been a leader in sustainability. Over the past few months students from across the district have lobbied the Board of Education to take even more ambitious action to fight climate change. Eventually, collaboratively, they were able to find common ground, drafting Resolution 23-30 Green New Deal, which supports the continued sustainability work of the district and encourages further leadership in this area moving forward.

Read More about BVSD becomes first district in the nation to pass “Green New Deal for Schools” resolution
Green Leadership Academy meeting

Earlier this month, on the heels of the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) adopting the Green New Deal for Schools resolution, a group of school district sustainability leaders from across the nation and abroad, including  California, Washington D.C., North Carolina and as far as Tunisia, came to BVSD to learn more about what it takes to create a successful district sustainability program.  

Read More about School Leaders Gather in Boulder at Sustainability Leadership Academy

When seconds matter, it is extremely beneficial that first responders know our schools and how to respond to an emergency that may happen there. That is why the Boulder Valley School District works closely with local law enforcement and emergency response agencies to provide them access to BVSD school buildings during the summer for training.

Read More about Summer exercises prepare local agencies for possible school emergencies

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