Indoor Air Quality Team
A. Name
The name of this committee shall be the District Indoor Air Quality Team. The committee will report to the Board of Education and Superintendent.
B. Purpose
The District Indoor Air Quality Team shall: disseminate air quality information, register air quality complaints and direct responses, and communicate air quality issues and status at district schools to school administration, staff, students, and parents. Such monitoring and review is intended to provide a high level of accountability and communication to the students, staff and citizens of the Boulder Valley School District.
The responsibilities of the District Indoor Air Quality Team shall be to:
- Work with each school to assign one IAQ liaison for the respective school (57 schools) who shall report to and serve as a conduit of information to the District IAQ Team.
- Participate in training regarding IAQ related issues.
- Along with the IAQ Consultant/BVSD IAQ Staff, review all baseline data on a case-by-case basis to address individual school needs. The IAQ Consultant/BVSD IAQ Staff will prepare and communicate summaries to the District IAQ Team to facilitate better understanding of implications of baseline data.
- Evaluate ongoing changes that may be implemented predicated upon the baseline data.
- Participate in quarterly conference web-based meetings with the IAQ Consultant/BVSD IAQ Staff to discuss activities, outcomes, and future actions.
- Participate in several walk-through assessments, and provide direct input into prioritization of actions necessary.
- Promote outreach/training to convey information to as many participants as possible.
- Every six months, participate in the reporting process of assessment, planning, management and evaluation activities.
C. Membership
The District Indoor Air Quality Team is comprised of voluntary representative members of the Boulder Valley School District community. Team membership should reflect the diversity of the Boulder Valley School District community. The IAQ Consultant/BVSD IAQ Staff will be the direct liaison to the committee to facilitate reporting, coordination, and education activities. Fifteen to twenty members will be selected based upon the following suggested stakeholder groups:
- School Principals: representing elementary, middle and high school instructional levels and a charter school (up to 4 members - 2 members with 3-year term, 2 members with 2-year term)
- Operations/Facility Staff (up to 4 members - 2 members with 3-year term, 2 members with 2-year term)
- Environmental Program Staff (1 member with 3-year term)
- Teachers: representing elementary, middle and high school instructional levels (up to 3 members - 2 members with 3-year term, 1 member with 2-year term)
- School Nurse (1 member with a 3-year term)
- Community Health Care Professional (2 members - 1 member with a 3-year term, 1 member with a 2-year term)
- Parent and/or Community Representatives (5 members - 2 members with a 3-year term, 3 members with a 2-year term)
D. Appointment Process
The Superintendent of Schools will solicit individuals from each of the noted groups for review with the Board of Education. Recommended members will be approved by the Board of Education.
Individuals selected will be appointed to either two or three year terms at the commencement of the Team. At the end of successfully completed two or three year terms, an existing Team member may request to be reappointed to the team for one additional term.
It is understood changes in membership will occur as individuals may no longer represent the stakeholder group they were chosen to represent or can no longer serve. Should circumstances arise in which a Team member has a change in stakeholder status, the Team member shall be allowed to serve the remainder of his or her term as a member-at-large, provided he or she has attended at least three meetings. In all other cases, a replacement representative will be sought from the specific stakeholder group for the remaining length of the term.
E. Officers - Chair
The District Indoor Air Quality Team will select a chairperson and a vice-chairperson (one BVSD staff member and one parent or community member) on an annual basis. The chairperson, or in their absence, the vice-chairperson will conduct meetings, call special meetings and perform other duties. The chairperson, in concert with the BVSD Air Quality Coordinator, will establish the agenda for each meeting.
F. Meetings
The District Indoor Air Quality Team will meet not more than monthly nor less than quarterly throughout the year. A regular meeting schedule will be developed and updated at each regular meeting. The schedule will be posted on the BVSD website.
Special meetings may be called by the chair or by the written request of four members. Advance notice of at least seven days must be given before a special meeting is held. Notice of special meetings may be given by email.
All Team meetings shall be open to the public. However, as a working Team, public comment will typically only be permitted at the start of the meeting unless specifically invited.
Minutes will be taken and placed on the BVSD website within ten working days of approval. To the extent possible, all materials provided at each meeting also will be made available through the website.
Should a member of the public not have internet access and desire a copy of any meeting minutes or materials, such will be supplied upon request at no charge by the BVSD Communications department.
A committee member who has a personal or private interest in a matter proposed or pending before the committee shall disclose such interest to the committee.
The BVSD Air Quality Coordinator with support from necessary operations staff will attend meetings and provide appropriate levels of support to the Team.