Electric Vehicles (EVs)
BVSD is happy to offer electric vehicle
In order to continue to offer these stations and offset the rising software costs, energy use costs and ongoing maintenance needs of the stations, we have had to adjust rates for the new school year.
Monday - Friday
7am - 5pm $.20/kWh. After 4 hours, there is an additional cost of $1/hour.
5pm - 7am $.35/kWh. After 4 hours, there is an additional cost of $1/hour.
Weekends and Vacations
$.35/kWh. After 4 hours, there is an additional cost of $1/hour.
In order to use the stations drivers create/use their personal account through Chargepoint.
Please email questions or comments to BVSD Sustainability and Energy Officer Ghita Carroll (ghita.carroll@bvsd.org).