Child Find
At BVSD, we make sure that young learners having difficulties or delays in development get the help they need to be successful in school. The purpose of the BVSD Child Find program is to locate and identify preschool-aged children ages three to five who are having difficulty with their development in one or more of the following areas:
- Academic (early learning/concepts, thinking, problem solving, preschool access skills)
- communication (articulation, language, fluency and voice)
- motor (fine and gross)
- social/emotional
- self-help; and/or hearing and vision
Children can be referred to Child Find by a parent, doctor or other agency. The process may begin with a developmental screening and when appropriate, a comprehensive multi-disciplinary evaluation to determine eligibility for preschool through special education.
BVSD Child Find is a program available to families who live within district boundaries. If you live outside of BVSD attendance area, please contact your local school district’s Child Find office.
Child Find is available to families at no cost.
Every child feels welcome
BVSD Early Childhood Education provides special education and related services to preschool-aged children who have been identified with an educational disability. If eligible, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will describe which special education and related services are required for a young learner to be successful in preschool. These services may include:
specialized instruction from a special education teacher (early childhood special education, teacher of the hearing impaired, teacher of the visually impaired);
- specialized instruction from a speech language pathologist;
- related services from an occupational therapist, physical therapist, school psychologist or social worker; and
- transportation may be provided as a related service if determined necessary by the IEP team.
Exceptional help to get you started.
The identification of an educational disability begins with an appointment with the Child Find team. Children may be referred to Child Find for a screening by a preschool team, parent, doctor or another agency. Information gathered during the screening process will help us to decide if further assessment is needed to determine special education eligibility. If found eligible, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be developed with specific goals for the BVSD preschool team to address. All special education and related services are provided at no cost to the family.
BVSD Preschool Program
Boulder Valley School District's integrated preschool program welcomes children who qualify for the Colorado Preschool Program, Special Education, or who pay tuition, all in one classroom.
If you are concerned about your child's development and they are not enrolled in a BVSD preschool already, please submit this form to schedule a Child Find Screening
Please go here for the new Colorado referral process for children ages 0-3