Boulder Valley School District

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Jonathan Dings


Research in BVSD

Situated in a college town and a national research hub, the Boulder Valley School District values high quality research that is likely to yield products that are genuinely useful to the district or its schools.

Ideal Proposals

Ideal proposals will demonstrate alignment to the initiatives outlined in the Strategic Plan. For approved studies, the district will appoint a study sponsor to maintain direct engagement with the principal investigator to ensure research is conducted consistent with the researcher’s submitted application and district’s research and data privacy procedures.  Each researcher will submit a final report including outcomes and/or products from the study, on the schedule identified in the application.

The district is unable to support external requests for the sole purpose of completing a college course requirement or a survey administration that is unconnected to a well-informed research question of substantive value to the district or its schools. Exceptions may only be given to district employees who are conducting action research to further their education or inform their practices for professional learning.  Any person or agency, either public or private, interested in conducting research in BVSD must receive permission from the district before contacting schools or recruiting participants. In order to gain district approval, the principal investigator must email the Office of Student Assessment and Program Evaluation at to initiate the district’s research review process.

Research questions: Please email