Boulder Valley School District

Contact Us

Roxanna Herrera

Attendance & Engagement

Boulder High Arrival

Educators throughout the Boulder Valley School District place a priority on consistent attendance. Developing a habit of regular participation in school is an accomplishment; a skill reflecting a student’s readiness for learning. 

Consistent attendance, particularly in early elementary years supports students in literacy and numeracy, which are both critical foundational building blocks for learning at the primary and secondary levels. 

Engagement is an additional degree of connectivity that can help students relate to their learning. Students are engaged in school when they are present, curious, and motivated by their learning and the community around them. There is a strong correlation between early engagement in school and success upon high school graduation and post-secondary achievement into adulthood.

Our team of BVSD attendance advocates and engagement specialists are here to support students and families to achieve in all areas of their education.

Our Team


