Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Crossing Guards
Start a Crossing Guard Program at your school!
Adult school crossing guards play an important role in the lives of children who walk or bicycle to school. They help children safely cross the street at key locations. They also remind drivers of the presence of pedestrians. The presence of adult crossing guards can lead to more parents feeling comfortable about their children walking or bicycling to school.
5 Steps to Start a Crossing Guard Program at your School
Step 1: Figure out where crossing guards are needed by considering:
- Intersections with high volumes of pedestrian and car traffic
- The speed of vehicles at the crossing
- The sight distance of the crossing
- The width of the street and the number of lanes of traffic a student must cross
- Are there any built-in traffic control devices like traffic signals or signage?
- The age of the students who will be crossing the street
Step 2: Recruit Volunteers
- Must be over 18 years old
Ideas for places to recruit volunteers include:
Ask your principal for suggestions
School Newsletter
Neighborhood HOAs
Community Organizations and Places of Worship
Firefighters for special events like Walk to School Day
Step 3: Equip your crossing guards with safety vests and stop signs
- Check with your school to see if they already have equipment available
- Contact the BVSD Transportation Department for equipment
- If your PTO/PTA would like to purchase equipment, Amazon, Safety Masters and Grainger are good sources
Step 4: Train your Crossing Guards
- Set up a training for your volunteers with the BVSD Transportation Department by emailing
- Colorado Department of Transportation Crossing Guard Manual
Step 5: Scheduling and Communication
- Utilize spreadsheets or sign-up tools like to create an online schedule for volunteers to sign up for shifts at specific posts.
- Encourage volunteers to sign up for at least two shifts per week.
- Let volunteers know who to contact if they can't make their shift
- Provide emergency contact information for the volunteer, including the phone number for the front office of the school
- Make sure to communicate lots of appreciation for volunteers who donate their time to help our children be safe!
Walk and Bike Events
Winter Bike to Work Day
Friday, February 14, 2025
April 22-25, 2025
BVSD Bike to School Day
Wednesday, April 23, 2025