Boulder Valley School District

RTD Bus to Whittier

 Student fares are now discounted 70% from full fare. One way bus fare for students is now 90 cents. Ten-ride ticket books can be purchased for $9.00 at most King Soopers and Safeway stores or at the Walnut St. RTD station.


Whittier Elementary is served by the RTD 204 and HOP buses.

204 Route Schedule

HOP Route Map and Schedule Information

Use the RTD Trip Planner to make plans to get to your destination.

Visit How to Ride to answer any questions you may have.

The RTD Bike-n-Ride program makes it easy to combine transit and bicycling.  All buses are equipped with bike racks on the front of each bus.

If you have more questions, go to or call RTD at 303-299-6000.