Boulder Valley School District

Walk to School

Walking takes us places! 


Check out our Walk to School Day page to get ideas for planning a celebration at your school.

At BVSD Safe Routes to School, through education, encouragement, and partnerships, we are working to invigorate the walk to school. In fact, our aim for the BVSD school community is to elevate walking, along with bicycling, to a primary means of transportation.

The benefits are many. Sometimes called the “world’s simplest exercise,” walking is active transportation​; think of it as an opportunity for regular physical activity. Walking builds community and connects us to our surroundings. Walking is healthful, an antidote to hurry and stress. The simple act of walking move us closer to realizing a genuinely greenBVSD.

We applaud those of you who regularly walk to school. We urge others to give it a go. This school year, you are invited to “make your feet your friend” (JM Barrie) and see where walking takes you. 

Think you live too far to walk to school? Try a Park and Walk!

Pedestrian Skills Videos

Walk and Bike Events