Boulder Valley School District

Contact Us

Rob Price

Assistant Superintendent, Operations

Capital Improvement Planning

BVSD takes seriously our responsibility to taxpayers to take care of the buildings they have provided. We also know that the quality of the learning environments we provide matter to the health, safety, comfort, and performance of our students and staff. In 2021, BVSD worked with a third party vendor to visit and assess our 5 million square feet of facility space and associated sites. The team evaluated major architectural, mechanical, electrical and site infrastructure system components, estimating their “in-kind” replacement values, and where each is within its expected lifecycle. The assessment prioritized identified requirements by urgency related to due date.

Based on the assessment, as well as enrollment trends, and important educational program needs, BVSD has created a Facility Critical Needs List of the highest priority work to address in the next four years. This past spring, the Capital Improvement Plan Review Committee met with staff to review the list and provide  feedback to the district. The committee shared its feedback with the board at the May 23 meeting. At the June 14 meeting, staff presented a preliminary Facility Critical Needs List to the board for consideration. Both of these presentations can be viewed below. The Board of Education indicated it is considering placing a question on the November 2022 ballot to ask voters to support a bond measure to fund the work identified on the Capital Needs List. 

Staff will make another presentation of the final Facility Critical Needs list in August. 

June 14 Staff Presentation to the Board 

May 23 Staff/CIPRC Presentation to the Board 

March Worksession

Capital Improvement Plan Review Committee