Boulder Valley School District

Academic, Health, and Attendance Data Collection

In addition to the walk-through assessments at schools, academic achievement records and health symptom data also will be tracked based on standardized test scores and absenteeism/health room data (information to be coded and not student identifiable). The data will be used to establish baseline conditions and track if there are any changes in health symptoms or absenteeism after building renovations  and changes in building operation and occupant behavior are made. We expect this information to be helpful in understanding connections between air quality and student health. 

Health-Related Attendance Reporting
Beginning in the fall of 2016, when parents call in to report a student’s health-related absence from school, they will be asked to identify the nature of the illness or symptom by choosing from the following  list of options:

  • Asthma
  • Respiratory (such as runny nose, sore throat, congestion or cough)
  • Gastrointestinal (such as stomache ache, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea)
  • Other

Providing this information is completely optional. The data will be logged in a way that is not personally identifiable.