Boulder Valley School District

Mental Health

Most adolescents experience positive mental health, but one in five has had a serious mental health disorder at some point in their life.  Problems with mental health often start early in life. In fact, half of all mental health problems begin by age 14. The good news is that promoting positive mental health can prevent some problems from starting. For young people who already have mental health disorders, early intervention and treatment can help lessen the impact on their lives.

Mental health disorders can interfere with regular activities and daily functioning, such as relationships, schoolwork, sleeping, and eating.  If you feel your child is experiencing a mental health concern talk to your school counselor or nurse, or find additional resources at Mental Health Partners.

If you or your child is experiencing a mental health crisis call: 1-844-493-TALK

Mental Health Topics

Mental Health in BVSD


When a child is struggling or doesn’t feel like they fit into their school, it can be tough for a parent or guardian to know when to act and what to do. Counselors are well-equipped to help because they can work with the school team to address things that might be standing in the way of learning and a student’s success, as well as connecting them to resources at the school, district or community. 
