Boulder Valley School District

Career and College Connections

BVSD provides a comprehensive and innovative approach to education in order to graduate successful, curious, lifelong learners who confidently confront the great challenges of their time.

Career and College Connections Department Organizational Chart

Opportunity Next Scholarship

Are you thinking about education or training after high school in Colorado, but unsure which way to go?Opportunity Next, from the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, can help you:

1. Explore trusted, top career paths in Colorado

2. Find money to pay for school, including an Opportunity Next scholarship of up to $1,500

3. Get enrolled

Click Here to Learn More!

Smiling students who participated in Opportunity Next


ASCENT Program

BVSD Students at Graduation Ceremony, dressed in their Graduation Regalia.

Get a year or more of college paid for!

Ascent is a program that pays tuition for students to take a year of college courses at a community college or participating 4-year university after their senior year. 

If a student plans appropriately, they can complete that 5th year of high school with as much as two years of college paid for.

Learn more and apply

Teacher Recruitment Education and Preparation (TREP) program

Young students sitting on a rug, listening to a teacher read a book.

Are you a high-school student interested in becoming a teacher or school counselor? Check out TREP. This program pays qualified students first two years of college education while also providing support services to prepare you for a career in education.

Learn more and Apply

ASCENT and TREP Informational Video

Other Career and College Resources

Seal of Biliteracy

Graduation Requirements

Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP)

TEACH Colorado

My Colorado Journey

Generation Teach

Workforce Boulder County: Young Adult Program
If you are between the ages of 16 and 24 and want support finding and developing a career path, the Workforce Young Adult Program might be a perfect fit for you!

Contact Us

Dr. Arlie Huffman


Career & College Connections

Jody Bennett

Work Based Learning Coordinator

Career & College Connections

Robin Shepherd

Administrative Assistant

Career & College Connections

Madeline Brockish

College Before Graduation Coordinator

Career & College Connections