Boulder Valley School District

College Before Graduation

BVSD partners with local colleges and universities to support students in getting a head start on earning college credits and gaining industry certifications.

Concurrent and dual enrollment refer to courses where students simultaneously earn college credits while completing high school requirements. Benefits of concurrent/dual enrollment include:

  • Experiencing the transition to college coursework while in a supportive high school environment
  • Saving on college tuition costs
  • Getting ahead on earning a college degree
  • Earning college credit while completing high school graduation requirements*

*BVSD defers to the college policies and practices for grading. The grade earned in the college course is the same grade that will be reflected on the high school transcript.

The ASCENT and TREP Programs cover tuition, books and fees for the first 1-2 years after students complete high school.

Thanks to our friends at Impact on Education, BVSD is able to provide supplemental support to ensure students have equal access to opportunity. We are able to cover the cost of student fees and learning materials for college courses thanks to their generous support. 

Upcoming Events

  • ​​​​​February 1 - March 31 - Applications accepted for ASCENT and TREP programs starting 2025-26
  • January - February - Various times and locations: FAFSA/CASFA Financial Aid Help sessions
  • March 1 - Request for Approval (CBG Agreement) for Summer and Spring courses begins



Priority Deadlines For Campus and District Select Courses



CBG Agreement Priority Deadline

Requests not accepted after

SUMMER May 13 May 23

For Campus and District Select courses, students may submit paperwork after priority deadlines if there is space available. The enrollment and approval process may take up to two weeks so please complete the steps below early. Students seeking accommodations need to contact the college Disability Support office 2-3 weeks prior to the start of class. District Select courses that have low enrollment by the Priority Deadline may be cancelled.

For students attending a BVSD charter school, please contact your school to find out what Concurrent or Dual Enrollment options are available. BVSD CBG Charter Schools 

College Before Graduation

BVSD Partner Colleges & Universities

College/University Concurrent Enrollment Dual Enrollment - cost of tuition ASCENT TREP Locations
Aims Community College - Aims YES n/a YES YES Greeley, Windsor, Ft. Lupton, Loveland, Boulder TEC, online
Emily Griffith Technical College - EGTC YES n/a YES n/a Denver
Front Range Community College - FRCC YES n/a YES YES Longmont, Westminster, Ft Collins, Boulder TEC, various BVSD high schools, online
Metropolitan State University Denver - MSU YES $60/credit YES YES Denver, online, Boulder TEC, BrHS
University of Colorado @ Boulder - UCB n/a $499+/credit n/a n/a Boulder, online
University of Colorado @ Colorado Springs - UCCS YES $50/credit YES YES Colorado Springs, MHS, online
University of Colorado @ Denver - UCD n/a $77-$83/credit   n/a Boulder TEC, BoHS, BrHS, FHS, MHS, Nederland
University of Northern Colorado - UNC n/a n/a YES YES Greeley
Western Colorado University - WCU TRUE n/a YES YES Gunnison, online
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Boulder High School Graduates

College Before Graduation News

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Concurrent Enrollment

Get a jumpstart on college, concurrent enrollment