Boulder Valley School District


Girl playing string bass

Music in BVSD allows students to develop creativity, critical thinking skills, and a means of self-expression beyond words. The four standards include: expression of music, creation of music, theory or elements of music, and response to music. In music classes,

  • Students have opportunities to create, perform, and respond to music.
  • Learning experiences include the musical traditions of a variety of cultures and contexts.
  • Teacher feedback and opportunities for self-assessment help students refine their musical practice.

Regardless of their post-graduate pursuits, opportunities to create and experience music equip students for artistic, intellectual, and cultural learning and expression throughout their lives.


The Music Department always welcomes any donations our community would like to make.

Image of Music Student playing violin

To make any monetary donations that will go towards the care, cleaning and the purchasing of new district instruments that we provide to our Elementary families, please visit our webstore.

Image of Orchestra Students

If any community members have used instruments that you would like to donate to the district, please fill out this form! Most instruments can be dropped off at the BVSD Education Center during business hours, but please email if you have any questions.

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