Graduation Requirements
All Colorado students are expected to meet the state's graduation requirements. Boulder Valley School District is committed to ensuring our students are prepared so they can graduate on-time.
Graduation Requirements through the class of 2028
BVSD high schools are here to help support our students and families throughout this process. We will be tracking our student’s progress in achieving the requirements and working closely with our counseling staff and administrators to ensure that students that need additional support receive it.
Completion of Money Management and Computer Applied Technology Requirements
Graduation Requirements starting with the class of 2029
Completion of Money Management and Computer Applied Technology Requirements
Demonstrate Competence: Performance Based Assessments
Demonstrate Competence: Testing-Based Assessments
The Timeline
Our goal is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to graduate, regardless of which path they choose. Along the way we will provide guidance and encouragement. We ask for support from our families.
Sophomore Year
Students will meet with their counselors in February of their sophomore year to declare which graduation pathway they plan to use in both English and Math during the course selection process for their junior year.
They may change their selection at any time. This is an important step to ensure that students are aware of all of the options and have the information needed to participate.
Junior Year
Students will begin meeting this requirement during their Junior year, working toward completing the specific criteria for the measurement they chose during course selection. For example, one of the options is the SAT exam. Every student is required to take the state-mandated SAT in April of their junior year.
Senior Year
High school counselors and administrators will work with students make sure they fulfill their graduation requirements, and if necessary support them in facilitating the right option to meet the requirements.
Students will be confirmed to graduate once they have met both the credit requirement as well as the demonstration of competency in English and Math.