Neighborhood School Enrollment
New or returning students currently living within the district boundaries are guaranteed a seat in their neighborhood school(s) based on their household address. Neighborhood school enrollment starts as early as January, if enrolling for the Fall, and year-round for new students.
How to register online
Use the K-12 School Finder Maps to determine if you live within the district and find the neighborhood school(s) associated with your residence.
Gather the required documentation listed below.
Students are eligible for Kindergarten if they turn 5 on or before October 1.
Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions
Our family is going to move into the BVSD attendance boundaries, when can I enroll my children for school?
Wait to enroll. Because a current proof of residence is required for student enrollment, families must wait until they have officially relocated into our BVSD boundaries in order to provide a proof of residence and enroll at that time. Please refer to the "Required Documentation" section above to view our acceptable forms of documentation.
How will I know which school's attendance area my household is in?
You can use our School Finder feature found on our website to find the correct school. We ask that you do not rely on outside entities such as realtors, community members, etc. to determine your household's neighborhood school. Our School Finder will direct you.
When can I apply if my child is starting school in the Fall?
Our department is able to accept enrollment applications beginning January of the same calendar year that you plan for your child to attend. For example, January 2022 for the 2021-2022 school year.
What documentation do I need to upload to my online enrollment application?
Please refer to the information above under the "Required Documentation" section.
I do not have internet access at home. Where can I go to enroll my student?
All of our schools have enrollment kiosks/computers that families can use and trained staff can assist with online enrollments. Our Student Enrollment Department staff at the BVSD Education Center can also assist in the event that schools are closed (such as Summer break) or if our location is more convenient for families. We are not able to provide paper versions of enrollment applications.
I need to enroll a new child into BVSD schools and I have other children already attending BVSD. Do I need to fill out a new application for the new student?
Yes. Any new student that is enrolling will need to have an online enrollment application submitted for them along with current verification documentation. A new student cannot be enrolled by being added via your family's Annual Data Update (ADU) process.
I applied for my child to attend a school via open enrollment, does that mean my child is already enrolled to the requested school?
No. Open Enrollment is a separate application process of which a student cannot be enrolled to the requested school unless a seat is offered and the necessary steps are followed that are detailed on the Notification of Acceptance. More information can be found on the BVSD Open Enrollment website.
*Note: A neighborhood school registration form may be completed while awaiting a response from Open Enrollment (in case the applicant is not offered a seat a their requested school(s). The applicant's waitlist position(s) will not be affected.
I have submitted an online enrollment application but have not heard back in a few days, what could delay the enrollment?
- Insufficient documentation may have been uploaded by families - you would have received an email from our department requesting correction, etc. Please check your email's SPAM/Junk folder first before contacting us for a status.
- Safe School Reviews - state law requires each new 6th-12th grade student's previous school to be contacted by the new BVSD school to answer questions regarding the student. Schools need a few days to make contact depending on the previous' school's availability.
- Language Testing - if the student needs to be tested for language purposes; a professional from our BVSD Language Development Department will contact you. Any new student indicating any other language spoken in the home on the enrollment application is subject to be evaluated.
If neither of the above describe your applicant's enrollment, please contact our Student Enrollment Department at for grades KG-8th. If your child is of high school age, please contact the high school's Registrar for an update/troubleshoot. Please be most patient with this process during our busiest time, late July into late August, when hundreds of applications are submitted at once.
What is an Infinite Campus Parent Portal? How can I activate my account?
First time BVSD parents should know that we use Infinite Campus as a student data software. Infinite Campus Parent Portals are used to view student grades, attendance, health information and applications such as the Free & Reduced Lunch Application and the Open Enrollment application. Activating an account requires an activation key per parent/guardian to activate their account. An activation key is generated once the student is enrolled in our student data system. If a new student is starting in the Fall, the key is available after August 1st. School office professionals assist families with activating parent accounts or the Student Enrollment Department can assist in the event that the schools are closed.
What do I do if the child I am enrolling is eligible for special education services?
Once the student is enrolled, you may send the documentation supporting the child's eligibility for special education directly to the child's school for review. There is not an option to upload the documentation on the online registration.
What happens if my family's household address changes (we move)?
You may submit a BVSD Change of Address form directly to the Registrar at your child's school (just one school if your children attend several) along with a current proof of residence (see the "what you will need" section above for a detailed list of acceptable proof). If the household address remains within our BVSD attendance boundaries, the child's enrollment will automatically be changed from the previous neighborhood school to reflect the new neighborhood school.
If the household address changes after the current school year has begun, the family may choose to have the child finish out the school year at the previous school and begin attending the new neighborhood school in the Fall of the following school year.
*Note: If your child attends a school via Open Enrollment or Administrative Transfer, please see the Frequently Asked Questions section for either type of enrollment for household moving scenarios as it does differ from the above.
How do I withdraw my student from BVSD?
You may submit a Notification of Withdrawal (one per student) directly to your child's school's Registrar. Our BVSD Student Enrollment Department can assist in the event that the schools are closed.
Kindergarten Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer full-day Kindergarten?
Boulder Valley School District offers free full day Kindergarten for students in all of our elementary schools.
What is the minimum age requirement for Kindergarten students?
Students are eligible to attend Kindergarten if they turn 5 years of age on or before October 1st of the year of enrollment.
When do I register my child for Kindergarten?
Our department is able to accept KG-12th grade registration forms beginning January of the same calendar year that you plan for your child to attend. For example, January 2021 for the 2021-2022 school year.
Does BVSD offer early access to Kindergarten?
Yes. Early access for Kindergarten may be an option for students who will not turn 5 years of age on or before October 1st of the year of enrollment. More information can be found on the Early Access site.
Kindergarten Open Enrollment Information
Families choosing to apply via Open Enrollment follow the same process to apply for applicants entering grades KG-12th grades the following school year. There is not a separate process for applicants entering into Kindergarten. Two important notes:
- Per BVSD School Board Policy JECC-R, if your child previously attended Preschool at one of our BVSD elementary schools, and that school is not your household's neighborhood school, there is not a preference through Open Enrollment for them to attend Kindergarten at the same school.
- A neighborhood school registration form may be completed while awaiting a response from Open Enrollment (in case the applicant is not offered a seat a their requested school(s)). The applicant's waitlist position(s) will not be affected.
My child attends a BVSD Preschool, do I need to submit an online registration form for them to attend Kindergarten next school year?
A neighborhood school online registration from for Preschool to Kindergarten must be submitted for students if:
- The student attended a private preschool (one that is not in a Boulder Valley School District elementary school or the Mapleton Early Childhood Center)
A neighborhood school online registration form from Preschool to Kindergarten does not need to be submitted if:
- The student attended Preschool at University Hill Elementary School, Pioneer Elementary School or Community Montessori School and your family's household address has not changed since the last enrollment. Our department will "roll" the student's enrollment up to Kindergarten at the same school for you.
- The student attended a BVSD Preschool at your household's neighborhood school (via Special Education or Tuition-based). Our department will "roll" the student's enrollment up to Kindergarten at the same school for you.
- The student attended Preschool at a neighborhood school (via Special Education or Tuition-based) not within the same attendance area of where the child's household resides. Our department will "roll" the student's enrollment up to Kindergarten at the household address' neighborhood school for you.
If you are unsure if your child was enrolled via the Colorado Preschool Program you may contact your child's Preschool's Community Liaison directly.
Is my child required to attend Kindergarten per state regulation?
No. Further information regarding Colorado School Attendance Law can be found here.
Does BVSD provide transportation for my Kindergarten student?
Transportation is provided to most students attending their household's neighborhood school. Transportation is not provided for students attending BVSD schools via open enrollment. More details can be found on the BVSD Transportation Department website.
What is an Infinite Campus Parent Portal? How can I activate my account?
First time BVSD parents should know that we use Infinite Campus as a student data software. Infinite Campus Parent Portals are used to view student grades, attendance, health information and applications such as the Free & Reduced Lunch Application and the Open Enrollment application. Activating an account requires an activation key per parent/guardian to activate their account. An activation key is generated once the student is enrolled in our student data system. If a new student is starting in the Fall, the key is available after August 1st. School office professionals assist families with activating parent accounts or the Student Enrollment Department can assist in the event that the schools are closed.
All enrollment applications for Preschool through grade 12 require documents for proof of identity and proof of address. Optional documents are student transcripts/report cards and immunization records. Please gather these documents to begin the enrollment application as you will be able to upload them.
Proof of Age
Child's Birth Certificate or Passport
- Kindergarten students must be a minimum age 5 before Oct. 1.
- First grade students must be a minimum age 6 before Oct. 1.
- If applicable, also provide proof of guardianship of the child if your name is not listed on the child's Birth Certificate. This may be a signed (by all parties) Power of Attorney or signed legal documentation granted by the court system.
- If applicable, provide proof of a legal name change if your name is different now than what is listed on the child's Birth Certificate.
Proof of Residency
If you own your home, provide ONE of the following:
- Current or last month's utility bill (i.e. gas, electric, home landline telephone, water, trash, cable or internet). The utility bill MUST show parent/legal guardian's name and service address (and mailing address). The complete bill and remittance portion still attached may be required.
If you rent/lease your home, provide ONE of the following:
- Current signed lease or rental agreement that has been signed by all parties. Landlord's contact information must be provided.
- Current or last month's utility bill (i.e. gas, electric, home landline telephone, water, trash, cable or internet). The utility bill MUST show parent/legal guardian's name and service address (and mailing address). The complete bill and remittance portion still attached may be required.
If your family is living with another family, provide BOTH of the following:
- Current or last month's utility bill (i.e. gas, electric, home landline telephone, water, trash, cable or internet). The utility bill MUST show the owner/renter's name of whom your family lives with and service address (and mailing address). The complete bill and remittance portion still attached may be required.
- Current letter from the owner/renter of the residence with whom your family lives with stating the length of time you will be staying, the address, your names and contact information.
If your family's living situation is not mentioned above, please contact us at 720-561-5247 for assistance. For more information about our residency standards, please reference this document.
Proof of Immunizations
Proof of Grades/Transcripts
Student Records and Transcripts
Enrollment Statistics
Below are reports detailing student enrollment, full time enrollment reports, funded head counts, and special program counts. Please contact the October Count Helpdesk if you have any questions.
Current Enrollment Counts
Enrollment Counts are run frequently in the beginning of the school year and monthly for the rest of the school year. Enrollment Counts are counts based on student enrollment for that day in time.
- January 2nd 2025
- December 2nd 2024
- November 14th 2024
- October 1st 2024
- September 24th 2024
- September 17th 2024
- September 10th 2024
- September 3rd 2024
- August 29th 2024
- August 27th 2024
- August 22nd 2024
- August 20th 2024
- August 15th 2024
- August 13th 2024
- August 8th 2024
- August 6th 2024
- August 1st 2024
Current October Count
The Student October Pupil Enrollment contains student enrollment information as of the pupil enrollment count date which is October 1, 2024 for the 24-25 school year. This information is used to determine the school demographics, number of students in instructional programs, free and reduced lunch counts, and distribution of school finances to school districts across the State of Colorado.
Available mid January:
Historical Counts
If you are looking for historical data, please click the button below. The past five years of data are available for you to download. If you are looking for earlier data that is not posted, please contact
Outside your neighborhood schools
To apply to other schools in the district for the NEXT school year that are not your neighborhood school based on household address, you must go through Open Enrollment.