Boulder Valley School District

Online Payments

BVSD has contracted with leading online payment systems to provide you with simple, secure, and convenient ways of making online payments for your school fees.


Pay academic fees, including course fees, BVSD Online, and 1:Web fees. Log in using your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. Click here, or aquí para español, if you need help with your account.

Make other payments, including athletic fees, exam fees, facility rentals, field trips, school supplies, donations, yearbooks, parking permits, and more. Log in using your RevTrak account. Click here if you need help with your account.

Free meals are still free, but the payment system is changing! Starting on November 13th, if you would like to add money to your student’s meal account, you will have to create a School Cafe account and do it there. Meal account funds are necessary to purchase items like second entrees, a la carte items, and side salads. Please see the resources below to help with the transition. 

Pay for school aged childcare (SAC), preschool enrichment, and infant/toddler childcare. Log in using your SchoolCareWorks account.

For 3 year old preschool students paying tuition. Log in to your ProCare account. 

Pay for kid, teen, and adult enrichment classes and summer camps. Log in using your Augusoft account.
