Accommodations for Students Under Section 504
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination based on disability. All staff and administrators have the responsibility of insuring that all students with disabilities are identified, evaluated and provided with needed accommodations and services, resulting in a free appropriate public education.
For more information, explore the links below or contact your school's 504 Coordinator or:
Shannon Numair
Compliance Specialist, 504/ADA
Boulder Valley School District
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is a civil rights law prohibiting discrimination based on disability in any program receiving federal financial assistance. This legislation defines a person with a disability as anyone who: Has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activity. Major life activities include: bending, breathing, caring for one’s self, communicating, eating, hearing, learning, concentrating, reading, operation of major bodily functions (including but not limited to functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive functions), performing manual tasks, speaking, sleeping, seeing, standing, thinking, walking, and working
Parent/Student Rights Section 504
Parent/Student Rights Section 504 - SPANISH
Accommodations for College Board/SAT/AP
AC-R Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
Staff Resources
(make sure you are logged in as staff and go to Staff Only page)
Frequently Asked Questions about 504
- What is an Initial 504 Eligibility Meeting?
- When a child is no longer eligibile for special education services, is he or she automatically eligible for 504?
- What if the major life activity impaired is not learning? Can the child still qualify under Section 504?
- Can the parent's disability make the child eligible for 504?
- Do parents have a right to be members of the Section 504 Committee?
- Can a teacher decide not to implement part of a student's 504 plan because the parent or student believes the accommodation is no longer necessary?
What is an Initial 504 Eligibility Meeting?
When a child is no longer eligibile for special education services, is he or she automatically eligible for 504?
What if the major life activity impaired is not learning? Can the child still qualify under Section 504?
Can the parent's disability make the child eligible for 504?
Do parents have a right to be members of the Section 504 Committee?
Can a teacher decide not to implement part of a student's 504 plan because the parent or student believes the accommodation is no longer necessary?
Responsibilities of Teacher/Schools/District
- Can a teacher decide not to implement part of a student's 504 plan because the parent or student believes the accommodation is no longer necessary?
- How does the district respond when a teacher fails to implement accommodations in a student’s 504 plan?
- Do we have to maximize a student’s potential under 504?
- Can a student be dismissed from 504?