Welcome to BVSD
Welcome to the Boulder Valley School District. Whether you are new to the district or starting a new year, this page provides an overview of the important things you need to know to start the school year.
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Did you know?
BVSD's School Food Project is one of the best in the country
BVSD is the first REAL Certified school district in the country, a recipient of 39 USDA HUSSC awards, the only school district to be named to the Good Food 100 Restaurants List and the first entity of any kind to receive the highest, 5-star rating from the Center for Good Food Purchasing.
Learn more on the School Food Project website.
BVSD is a leader in being Green
With 38 Green Star Schools, the state's 1st electric bus, and one of the greenest schools in the country, BVSD is is committed to becoming a leader in environmental sustainability.
BVSD is committed to equity
BVSD's All Together for All Students strategic plan is focused on ensuring all students succeed. Boulder Valley is uniquely positioned because of its resources and outstanding educators to overcome the challenges we face, including an achievement gap that educators across Colorado and the nation have struggled to address.
What should I do/expect before the school year starts?
Prior to the start of school, make sure you have set up your Infinite Campus Parent Portal. This system will contain important information regarding your student's grades, attendance, schedule, and allow you to submit your lunch application and opt-in to transportation, etc. See this page for more information about Infinite Campus.
Get ready for lunch!
If your student plans to eat at school, set up their meal account and or complete the Free and Reduced Lunch application.
Opt-in to Bus Transportation
If needed, register your student to ride the school bus.
School supply lists are sent by each individual school.
Teacher assignments are shared a few days before school starts
Who do I go to if an issue arises?
General Concerns
As per Board Policy KE, start with your student's teacher. If your concerns are not addressed, then reach out to:
- School principal
- District administrator that oversees your school
- Superintendent
- Board of Education
Bullying Complaint
If you think your student has been bullied, you can complete the form linked at the top of this page. School personnel will then follow the investigation steps contained in Board Policy JDHB.
Sexual Harassment
Victims of sexual harassment are encouraged to report the incident to an adult they trust, whether it is a school counselor, administrator or law enforcement. Reports can be made orally or in writing. Written reports can be made using the Board's Complaint form, AC-E2(English)/ AC-E2 (Spanish) or by email to TitleIX@bvsd.org.
How do I get involved?
In the Boulder Valley School District we know that our families play a key role in our students success. That is why we encourage parents and guardians to stay informed and involved in their child's education.
District Committees
There are many committees at the district level to get involved in.
District Accountability Committee (DAC)
School Committees
There are also many ways to get involved at the school level through:
School Accountability Committee
Parent Teacher Association (PTAs) or Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs)
(check with your school on how to get involved)
Volunteering is a great way to get to know your school community. See this page for information about how to register to volunteer.
How do I stay informed?
The Boulder Valley School District uses a variety of avenues to keep the community up to date on what's happening across the district.
School Messenger
BVSD district offices and schools use SchoolMessenger to send important email, phone and text messages to parents, students and staff.
Opt in to receive BVSD text messages by texting the word "'yes" to “67587”.
Need interpretation?
The Translation Services Department helps connect BVSD schools and departments with linguistically diverse parents and families.
To request translation and interpretation services, please contact your school’s main office. Click here for a list of schools and contact information.
For questions, or to submit feedback, please email translation@bvsd.org or call 720-561-5079.